Checkers & Draughts Wiki
Turkish draughts

Give & Take (also spelled Give and Take) was designed by Christopher Elis from New York (USA). It was first published in GAMES Magazine in the early 1990s. The game is a variant of Turkish Checkers, which the inventor might have learned in Greece where he was born.


On an 8x8 board, 16 men are lined up on each side, in two rows, skipping the furthest back.

The board is an 8×8 grid, with alternating dark and light squares. The left down square field should be dark.

Players start with 16 men called pawn that are lined up on each side, in two rows, skipping the furthest back.

The white (lighter color) side moves first. Players then alternate moves.

Pawn can move straight forward or left or right one square at a time.

When a pawn reaches the back row, he is promoted to a king at the end of the move.

If a pawn is the last remaining piece, it automatically becomes a king.

Kings may move any number of squares forwards or sideways.

Pawns capture opponents pieces that are straight in front or sideways on adjacent squares by moving two consecutive steps in the same direction, jumping over the opponent's piece on the first step. Multiple opposing pieces may be captured in a single turn provided this is done by successive jumps made by a single piece. These jumps do not need to be in the same direction. A 180° turn is also permitted.

Kings may jump over and hence capture an opponent piece some distance away and choose where to stop afterwards.

Captures are not mandatory unless the piece that moved last can be captured. A player who captures must continue to do so as long as all possible captures are made.

If a player can take a piece first that has moved on the last turn, it must be taken first. However, after that, any sequence may be chosen, it needn't be the one, which captures most.

Pieces are removed immediately upon capture; its removal may open up additional captures previously impossible.

The game ends when a player has not any legal move left, either because all his pieces are captured or he is completely blocked. Then, his opponent has won the game.


McCallion, John.
Give and Take. In: The NOST Bulletin, no. 339, Sept./Oct. 1993, p. 19-19, 29.
McCallion, John.
Give and Take (Una variante damistica di Christopher Ellis". In: Eteroscacco, no. 62 (vol. 16, no. 2), April 1993, p. 30-31.

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